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Men should arry when they are young, and won should arry when they are young. This has been an unchangg prciple sce ancient tis. Although it is now advocated to change ctos and engagenew weddgs, pared to the 1960s and 1970s, it has bee ore xurio and the siple ctos of people no longer exist. I a fro Zhuzhou, Hunan. Lettalk about the weddg ctosZhuzhou.

isitg and Engagg

Matchaker es to propose arriage

When n and won reach the age of arriage, their parents first fd a atchaker. When the atchaker disvers that there is soone of appropriate agethe faily, they first unicate with their parents and then schedule a date to arrange a bld date location, ually a arket pce. On the day of the arket, both the an and the woan go to the designated location, take a look at each other, say a few words, and show their cheerful personality on the spot. Generally, they will return ho and talk to the atchaker. After agreeg, the an will choose a date for engagent (we call it Dgshi there). There is also a type that is favored by oneself or by parents, such as s. If they are reted, parents will entrt an acquatance to act as a atchaker. In the 1960s and 1970s, any s got arriedrural areas, and the third representative of siblgs gettg arried was ore. This is called "new retives gettg arried with old retives", which is even ore joyful, but this kd of close retives gettg arried is still not good.

The engagent requires four kds of gifts, that is, a few pieces of cloth. Decent failies will e dacron and dacron fabrics, nylon socks, and those with poor enoic nditions will e khaki cloth and tton socks. In this way, even if the engagent is suessful, the an can go to the woan's ho and send so gifts to the woan's ho for the New Year holiday. Generally, the four kds of gifts are the sa, naly, the Begng of Sur Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autun Festival and the Sprg Festival. Meat, eggs, noodles And a piece of fabric, after a year or o, when both parties have no objections, the woan tells the atchaker that they can cut the shoe saple (that is, the an tells the woan the size of the shoes worn by his faily). The an gives the woan so oney for cuttg the saple, which was only a few tens of yuan at that ti. The woan needs to ake a pair of shoes for each ber of the an's faily and atch the with hand-ebroidered soles.

Preparation before and after arriage

A necessary dowry for won

Before arriage, the an gives the woan so oney to buy a dowry. Dependg on the faily's enoic nditions, he can give the woan three to five thoand yuan at once, and regardless of how uch oney she receives fro the an, these thgs t be allocated. One rge wardrobe or bation cabet, one table, four chairs, one b table, one food cabet, one washbas rack, o rge wooden cases, one sall wooden case or leather case (siir to the rger travel case at present), o hot water bottles, cups and toothbrhes, au pots for boilg water, pressure oker and other daily necessities, four quilts and a pair of pillows. Those with good faily nditions will be equipped with a n's bicycle, a seg ache, a bck and white TV set, an electric fan, etc. In fact, no atter how uch oney the an gives the woan, the woan's parents basically don't e uch of the oney, and they return it to their daughter to ake ntaer oney.

What the an t prepare

In addition to givg the woan three or five thoand yuan, the an only needs to prepare one or o new hoes and doesn't care about anythg else. If the an's faily is poor and there is no dowry for the woan, the woan will also brg all the daily necessities.

On the day before arriage, the an t pay a gift to the woan. The gifts cde: half or one pig, chicken, clothes or fabrics, shoes and socks of the woan's parents, brothers and sisters. All thgs should be putpce. A big rack should be ed to carry the to the woan, so that the woan's onlookers can know what's g at a gnept for the food, returned to the an the next day.

The woan should prepare as follows

Put red pahips, eggs, candy biscuits, and clothes, shoes and socks when you see the an's parents, brothers and sistersthe an's side. In addition, the parents also need to give the daughter so box oney (hundreds to thoands dependg on the nditions). Beitent, The purpose is to see if the woan has given enough oney for the ntaer.

On the day before arriage, the woan will notify the an how any people will e to lift thgs the next day. Generally, eight or ore n are required becae the woan needs to ession was arranged for the an to go to the woan's hoe to wele her. The n had to go, cdg the groo, o brides (won), five to six gongs and balt teas, and people carryg thgs. They all went to the woan's hoe to have breakfast together, blog and pyg. After dner, the woan sent off the weddg, with one an and o won seeg off the bride. The procession carryg thgs took a step first, and then the groo and bride followed with ubrels. Regardless of the weather, each person had an ubrel, Blog and beatg all the way to the an for nch.

After dner, the weddg scene is also the ost lively scene durg arriage. The purpose is to help the groo and bride eliate the feelg of shyness. Vario progras try to ake their body and sk ntact, such as outh to outh eatg dates, o people lightg firecrackers, kittens fishg, and ash pickg. The ore tricks, the better. No atter how big or sall, they can ake as uch noise as they want. After the 1980s, the habit of akg weddg scenes gradually changed to watchg ovies, videos, and sgg.

Concsion: Marriagethat era was the siplest, especially for office workers and workers who ate the national food, let alone worry about anythg. They had free love, and when they got arried, their unit had a share of the hoe. The unit leaders would personally hold the weddg for the young uple, and after arriage, the young uple slowly ade so furniture. Unlike now, hoes t be bought by theselves, and so people would bee property sves for a lifeti. That era was truly socialist!

Later, with the developnt of society and the iprovent of aterial livg standards, betrothal gifts erged, startg with three ajor ites: bicycles, watches, and seg aches. Later, it developed to four ajor ites, five ajor ites, and so on, until now, I won't say uch about it.

